Say what! Infrared Therapy for Dementia and other Brain Disorders?

 Who would ever think of brain therapy that may treat brain disorders or regenerate the brain?

What if I told you that Infrared Therapy is proven to help:

  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Other forms of dementia
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Brain Ischemia
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Addiction
  • PTSD
  • And more!     
What is infrared therapy? Photomodulation (PMBT) is the process of inducing the photochemical reactions in the biological system. The light is said the interact with the photosentisve cells in our rentia that is called photoreceptors. When light is absorbed by these cells, a photochemical reaction takes place, where the light energy is converted into electrical signals that are sent to the visual processing center of the brain. Vitamin D synthesis in our skin is another example of a photochemical reaction. When the ultraviolet B (UVB) wavelength of sunlight hits our skin, it converts 7-dehydrocholesterol, a universal form of cholesterol, into vitamin D3. 
 The adverse effects of lack of light on the human body are also well known. Two examples are seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and lack of vitamin D production that leads to rickets. 
 Photobiomodulation (PBM) is the term used to describe the mechanical scientific basis of this photonic specialty, and Photobiomodulation Therapy (PBMT) is the term for its therapeutic use. PBMT was first developed in the 1960s.

I have started my journey using the helmet and pads for my infrared therapy (PMBT). I suffer with headaches, brain fog, dizziness and confusion. I will comment on this blog post as I gather my personal results. I am a dementia educator. I educate on brain health and caregiver wellness. I am a also an affiliate of Proneurolight; the company that create the infrared equipment I'm promoting, the helmet and pads. I see testimonies daily and I get email blast daily about the users journey and updated findings. Join here to access your PMBT ðŸ‘ˆ.

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  1. Very informative

  2. Wow. This was very informative.

  3. I’ve actually gotten a salt lamp and I have one of those light device so that I can get that extra lighting!


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