Learn to Recognize Symptoms of Alzheimer's

 Alzheimer’s disease has multiple physical symptoms that indicate its presence in the human body. If you exhibit these symptoms, discuss them with your doctor. There have been many studies and treatment advances since we first started learning about Alzheimer’s. There are medications that can help relieve your symptoms and delay the onset of further challenges. 

Can you list some physical symptoms of Alzheimer's?

Once you list some symptoms, I will post an article to discuss the topic more. I want to get everyone's minds going.

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  1. 1.Difficulty with talking. One of the common symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease is having difficulty talking and expressing yourself.

    You may experience issues with remembering the right words and names for things.

    You may also experience issues with forgetting new information you just learned. These memory lapses are often called forgetfulness, but they can be signs of Alzheimer’s disease.

    1. here is an article to learn more

  2. 15 Brain Boosting Activities
    If you don't keep your mind active, studies show that your brain loses some of its
    functionality as you age, which causes memory loss, brain fog, and even Alzheimer's.
    A well-stimulated brain also elevates your mood, which helps you feel better on the inside.

    Think of ways to boost the brain

    1. heres a link to lean more about brain activites

  3. Did you know that certain colors stimulates the brain? According to The Advocate, Red increases brain wave activity, seems to decrease the size of a room, and increases the perceived temperature of the room. If you want to get the attention of an individual with Alzheimer's or dementia, use red. It also is a good color for dinner plates and utensils as it offers good contrast with food and stimulates the appetite.Green is symbolic of growth and life and is the most restful of colors. It reduces central nervous system activity, and helps individuals remain calm. Using green makes rooms appear larger. Go to The Advocates page to read more.


Power Your Brain

Be good to your brain and lower the risk of dementia and stroke. This may help cognitive decline.  We can control our risk factors such as d...