

- How To Manage

      Normally sundowning occurs when there is a phase of light fading.   It is said that sundowning is normally found in someone that had Alzhiemers. 


  • Irritated - Bothered

  • Restless - No sleep

  • Confused

  • Disoriented 

  • Curious

  • Throws Tantrums- Yells and Hits

  • Wandering

  • Pacing 

  • Mood Swings

  • Hallucinating 

   It is said that 1 in 5 people with Alzheimer's get sundowning.

Causes: The causes are not scientifically known. Some scientists think it happens due to change in the brain that affects the (natural body clock)!!.  The signals are affected that wakes a person or alerts them to sleep.

      Some other triggers are less light when it's day outside. This can make shadows which cause confusion and fright. The person may have trouble separating their dreams from real life. This may be disorienting. 

 How to help someone with sundowning: 

  • Keep a daily routine: set a regular schedule for all activities- meals,bathing,activities,bedtime,wake time.

Schedule events early as possible before sundown.

  • Avoid: limit things that disturbs sleep- alcohol, loud noises, low light, (sweets/caffeine- if so can have in mornings). They can have big daytime meals but small at dinner time. No naps or exercise that's more than 4 hours before bedtime.

Claiming Approach: 

  • Fix room lighting to avoid shadows

  • Tell visitors to come early- leave before sundown

  • Don't have much noise.

  • Do activities- play music, take walks, read, ect.

  • Make sleep areas comfortable.

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