Caregiving and Finding Balance

 Who is normally a caregiver? Women are caregivers naturally. Daughters are caregivers. Normally we start off taking care of our parents. Some of us take care of our  family and then professionally we care for other people's families. I myself have done both. Currently, I am a professional caregiver. It's hard finding balance from personal life and work-life. How do we find balance? I read this article from Brain & Life it is a 

    Dec2021/Jan 2022 edition; which I'm subscribed to. It said how this daughter who's name is Liz O'Donnell started to help her parents more got tired. She would shop for groceries, mow the lawn, sort the mail, and pay bills. She shuttled them to the doctor and other places. She was a Public Relations worker and helping her parents got in the way of her job. She would use her vacation time to take her mother to the doctor; which was one and half hour away! She got grilled because her mother wasn't eating right. Doctor said she must call check to see what she ate everyday. He ask why the mother hasn't moved in with her yet. She said she left the doctor's feeling ashamed and defeated. She knew they need care more but didn't want that responsibility. So her mom died and she started realizing they is professionals that deal with caregiving, Finaces etc.  Her dad died of Alzheimer's. She started a blog and facebook page called "Working Daughter."

Her husband also died of pancreatic cancer. Wow, she cared for her family well. She also wrote a book called WORKING DAUGHETR.    

    You must have a backup plan when giving care. Have some one near when you can't be there. Have someone relieve you, so you can rest, get free time. You must guard your health. How can you be strong for others if you are weak and out of shape? Make sure you find help you can afford. Get all resources available to you and utilized it. There's so much support. I have a presentation I created to help care gives be fit and ready. It's called HEALTH AND WELLNESS TIPS FOR CAREGIVERS. Please click the link and watch.      Please leave feedback. I wish you well on your caregiving journey. If your caring for dementia patient please join my group here

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Power Your Brain

Be good to your brain and lower the risk of dementia and stroke. This may help cognitive decline.  We can control our risk factors such as d...